Thursday, August 25, 2011

She Knows How to Dress Herself

This post is mainly for the grandparents and relatives:

Lilly is growing into a very independent young girl.  Here are the things she has done in the last few days that have brought her "growing up" to my attention:

*she poured her own drink (got out the cup and the juice from the refrigerator by herself)

* poured cereal into her own bowl

* she spread peanut butter and jelly on her bread and made herself a sandwich

* came downstairs 2 mornings in a row all dressed with her hair brushed and in her opinion - fixed!

*  and today she was supposed to be having quiet time in her room - she decided that she was tired and needed to take a nap instead of play, so she put on a pull-up (we're still not potty trained while sleeping) and a t-shirt and put herself to sleep.

All this to say - she is growing up and I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad about that.


  1. It happens so fast! It just means you'll have new things to look forward to together.

  2. I understand your last sentence so well! While I have enjoyed every moment of her growth from infant until now, it just seems like it is going by so quickly. Yet, I am so proud of all you taught her, and the relationship she has with you and Mark. She is so blessed to have such loving parents. (Her Nana's not so bad either!)
