Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Am A Creature of Habit

I like schedules and I like doing things the way I've always done them.  Change is hard for me, but once the change is made, I can adapt. 

My husband recently got a new position at work which requires him to travel quite a bit for different lengths of time in each place. 

Plus side is:  he gets equal time on and off - so if he is gone for 2 weeks, he gets 2 weeks off when he returns. :)

Down side:  There is no schedule of when he is going on these various trips so we really can't plan any trips in advance because we don't know when he'll be home or when he'll be out of town.  :(

It is a recent change and for the most part I have adapted pretty well so far to all the "uncertainties" that have come with this new position, except for my quiet time with God.  I used to wake up with my husband at 4:30am and make his lunch, have my quiet time while he was getting ready for work, and then go back to sleep until my daughter woke up.  Now, I no longer have to get up at 4:30 to make his lunch so I have to figure out when to have my quiet time. 

This is definately a test of my faith because when I got up before it was because my husband needed me to make his lunch.  God doesn't "need" me to spend time with Him, I NEED to spend time with Him.  I pray the Lord will give me the desire to wake up early and spend that time with Him every day no matter what the "schedule" is.

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