Sunday, May 29, 2011

Getting Fed

Here are some ways that I make sure I am getting spiritually fed:

*  I sign up for a ladies Bible study at a local church.  It is great to meet with other ladies who stay at home during the day, most of them have young children like I do, and discuss God's Word.  Another plus to this is that they have child care and so my daughter goes to her class, learns about God's Word while she interacts with other children.  She loves it and so do I!

*  About a year ago, I came across the idea of having an on-line accountabilty group from a blog called Women Living Well.  So, I got a group of Christian ladies together that I have met all through my life and we started posting on FB what we were reading in God's Word and our thoughts and prayer requests.  The group has changed over time, but it has been monumental in me having my quiet time each day.  I don't think any of the ladies know how much they have blessed me by holding me accountable for my time in the Word.

*  Recently, I started a Prayer Playdate group.  This is a way to have moms get together to pray over their children, but to also focus on teaching our children about prayer too.  When we meet, 2 moms go off to pray while the others do activities with the kids and then we switch.  Then, after the moms are finished praying together, we pray as a group with the kids.  It is so neat to see the kids react to hearing you say their name in prayer. :) 

*  Going to church on Sunday is a given.  God tells us to gather together with other believers.

*  Studying my lessons to teach in Sunday School.  Have you heard the saying that when you teach something you learn it much better?  That is so true for me, knowing I have to teach a certain lesson to a group of 3rd-5th graders, really makes me focus and study God's Word.

*  I read a lot of non-fiction books that talk about how to become a better woman of God or how to use your resources more wisely, etc.  Some of my favorites are Next Door Savior by Max Lucado, A Woman's High Calling by Elizabeth George and Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow.  All great books!

How do you stay spiritually fed?

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