Monday, June 7, 2010

Why doesn't it feel like enough?

I am a wife who cares for her husband, I am a mom who teaches and looks after her daughter each day, I am an unpaid maid who cleans and organizes the house, I am a cook who does the grocery shopping, then decides and cooks the meals for my family, I am a sunday school teacher for the pre-k class, and most importantly I am a child of God - a daughter of the most high.

Lately, I have been feeling like there is more I should do for the Kingdom of God. I don't know what that more is and I don't know how I would fit it into my already busy/hectic schedule, but I just feel there is more I should be doing.

I have been searching on the internet for volunteer opportunities and have found several that sound interesting and exciting, but there is no way I can fit them into my schedule w/o giving up time with my family.

I come up w/ ideas to start a mom's devotional group or a mom's night out group but that is as far as it goes - just an idea in my head - because I don't know who would come and don't know if I have the energy or time to head up something like that.

This is what I have been reminded/told by others:
*If God wants you to do something more, He will make the time and resources available for you.
*God will never give you more than you can handle w/ His help.
*Sometimes it is just as important to figure out what God doesn't want you to be doing as it is to figure out what He does want for you.
*Be content and do your best with what God has given you at this time.

At this point, I have just been in prayer and seeking God's wisdom for what He wants from me. I need to remember that it isn't about how I feel about things but about bringing God glory. So, right now I will be still until God tells me to move. I will change diapers, go to the park, fix dinners, make beds, and do dishes while praising Jesus that I am able to do those things and I will keep my eyes open for those ways to share His love with others. If God wants me to do something more, I am confident He will open the doors for opportunities..I just need to keep reminding myself this. :)


  1. I'm so glad you wrote this...sometimes I feel the same way! Then I have to remember that my children are my ministry. That washing the dishes and changing diapers while singing "Holy, Holy, Holy" with them is such a great opportunity to show His love to them. You're right, though. If He so moves you into another area and opens a door for ministry elsewhere, then you will be ready to act. I will be praying for you and I hope you will pray for me also. Oh, and thanks for the comment on my blog. I think you're right about FB. I just have to keep straight in my head about what's scriptural and what's simply my parenting style or opinion. Hopefully the two are very in sync, but you never know when I need to be brought back lovingly also. :)

  2. Keep searching, for I believe your restlessness is one way God gets our attention to begin to see what God is calling us to do. "Seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened unto you" In the meantime know that you are bringing God glory through your love for your family and friends. Love, MOM

  3. I think we all go through this from time to time, wondering if there is more for us out there... I agree with the comments above - just keep on keeping on, depending on the Lord, and He will direct your path. Being a stay-at-home mother can be so up and down, one minute we feel fulfilled, the next we feel like there should be more! One of the ways I fill in that gap is to study my Bible more (very fulfilling), another is to do something extra for my family - go that extra mile. Their joy is well worth it! :)

  4. Hello Emily! I just found your blog. I just want to encourage you that you *are* doing enough. You are fulfilling the role that God put you in and you are exactly where he wants you. Don't move till He moves you! :) Maybe just keep seeking Him...get into His word and soak it all in. :) (maybe you already do...this is just encouragement from a sister in Christ!) Making sure that sweet daughter of yours is brought up to know Christ *is* your most rewarding and important job (alongside of being a supportive, encouraging, loving helpmeet to your love!) :)

    I wish you the best in your days ahead. :)
