This weeks marriage challenge is to pray for our husbands. I didn't know what to write for this because simply put I already pray for my husband and with him. After reading some other posts, I realized that although I do pray for my husband I don't do it continuously throughout the day and I don't always ask him what he needs prayer for. I love the idea of using symbols (like my wedding ring) to remind me to say a sentence prayer for him all throughout the day.
It is rather interesting (though not surprising) that in the past few days while I was thinking about what to write in this post, the Lord was bringing things to the forefront that need to be prayed for - like a situation with his truck that made my husband really angry just the other day or a situation where our pastor pointed out a weak area in my husband and he is having to deal with that. It is hard to hear about our weaknesses, but I know that this is an opportunity for Christ to use my husband in a great way.
I am excited to continue praying for my husband in a more determined way and not as a "something I should do" way. I am excited to see how God works in Mark's life as well as our marriage. The Lord brought us to HIM at the same time (Oct 2006) and I love to see how HE continues to grow us side by side.
It's so important to pray for our husband... I try to remember to pray throughout the day, but our day is often so busy with homeschooling and children and all the things that need doing, that sometimes I don't get a chance to pray as often as I wish. What a blessing for you to find specific things you can pray about - I think most of the time we don't even realise just how much our prayers mean to God.